28 May 2010
Dry Bones.
26 May 2010

I break from our regularly scheduled programming—the Jeff-and-Amie love fest, if you remember—to wish a happy birthday to one of my favorite people, my dad. Here are a few of the reasons why I’m crazy about him, just the first ones that popped into my head:
· He used to lie on the foot of my bed and read to me from a comic-book-style Bible with my panda puppet on his hand.
· He sings all the time when going through the house, usually hymns—hymns which have become incredibly precious to me, due to his and my mom’s influence.
· He takes the worst for himself and offers the best to Mom, my sister, Jeff, and me.
· He started a tradition nine years ago of “family game night,” which was on Fridays until I moved out, Sundays until Jeff and I moved to Virginia, and whenever we can now that we live 7 hours apart.
· Once upon a time, he separated a plastic blue egg and put one half on each of his eyes before “reading” a book to me.
· He keeps himself healthy, eating sensibly and working out regularly.
· He taught me about football.
· He taught me about God.
· He taught me how to teach.
· He listens to me rant and rave about anything I want to rant and rave about.
· He has a lot of really funny facial expressions and will let you take pictures of them if you’re fast enough.
· He has a believable “courtesy laugh” for when your joke isn’t funny but he doesn’t want you to feel awkward. I have yet to master this talent.
· He listens when people talk.
· He opens the door for my mom anytime they go anywhere, and he walks beside or slightly behind her.
· He’s hysterically funny.
· He’s almost always right about everything.
· He understands people and things to their very core.
· He’s a role model in every sense of the word.
· He loves my mom more than he loves himself.
· He loves my husband.
· He loves my sister.
· He loves me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! I love you so much and hope to be a lot like you when I grow up.
20 May 2010
Well, that, and the word kaleidoscope comes from two Greek roots: kalos, meaning “beautiful,” and eidos, meaning “form.” Don’t ooh and ahh just yet; the word gets better. The suffix –scope means “instrument for viewing, observing, or examining.” Therefore, a kalos-eidos-scope is an apparatus specifically designed to show the viewer everything beautiful in a particular design or shape. A kaleidoscope’s raison d’être is to suffuse beauty into someone’s immediate vision. Which is kind of our mission as responsible humans, right? Isn’t the Golden Rule all about upping the world beauty quotient a little?
So this blog is The Kaleidoscope because being a kaleidoscope is my goal. (I know that sounds cheesy, but hey, I’m in confessional mode here.) My life ought to consist of a shifting and colorful design of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I ought to be living beautifully.
I must admit, though, living beautifully has proven enormously challenging up here in Virginia. My days are filled with nothing but reading and writing in my second language, which is shaky even on my best days. I work my derrière off and make decent, but not great, grades. Those factors (and others of which I will spare you) add up to major discouragement a lot of the time, and to make it worse, I’m not sure why I’m doing it all. My life’s dream is not moving to a Francophone country or being a scholar of French literature.